Notifications Section
Paige Elmore
As a user, I would like to have all of my notifications in one place. For example, please see the attached image.
Saved Searches:
- All of my search results would be here and would link to the relevant searches.
- All notifications of a new task, @mention, or a change on the pursuits I own would show up here
- Can see exports for download for the day (as long as the links are relevant) so don't have to go to email to find the export.
- All GovTribe announcements/ release details would be here as well
Lucas Mills
Robin Templeton
I agree with this function! As someone who is in the database, it would be nice to have the download OR email function available, versus the forced email and only if you are quick enough, the option to download the report. Being forced to log into my email, which is not always open, to access the report, seems like an extra (and unnecessary) step and doesn't allow for a quick view at the report while in GovTribe