



System Improvements
AI Insights Scope
  • Adds Similar Active Opportunities to Federal Contract IDVs and Federal Contract Awards: Use this Insight to find Federal Contract Opportunities that are open for bid and have a scope similar to the Award or IDV.
  • Adds Similar Active Awards to Federal Grant Opportunities: Use this Insight to find active Federal Grant Awards that deliver the same programs or services described in the Federal Grant Opportunity.
  • Adds Draft Application to Federal Grant Opportunities: Use this Insight to craft a draft application to a Federal Grant Opportunity.
    : this feature is only effective when the government has attached a description of the opportunity and the grant application process. The Insight is based on these best practices.
  • Adds Likely Bidders to Federal Grant Opportunities: Use this Insight to find who else may apply for the Federal Grant Opportunity.
  • Adds Research Awards to Vendors: Use this Insight to perform in-depth research on a Vendor's Federal Contract and Grant Awards.
AI Insights Workspace Management
  • Adds the ability to search and filter AI Insights from an integrated management page.
  • Adds the ability to tag AI Insights yourself, or use GovTribe AI to generate tags based on the content of the conversation.
  • Adds the ability to more easily rename AI Insights, or have GovTribe AI rename them for you based on the content of the conversation.
AI Insights Model Improvements
  • Adds the ability for AI Insights to filter on NAICS and PSC Codes for Federal Contract Awards, Federal Contract IDVs, and Federal Contract Opportunities.
  • Improved the fidelity of the Federal Contract Opportunity Find Likely Bidders AI Insight by allowing to access Federal Contract IDVs and Awards and moving the backing data store to semantic search.
  • Improved the fidelity of the Federal Contract Opportunity Find Likely Bidders and Find Similar Active Awards AI Insights by allowing them access to Federal Contract IDVs and Awards, and moving the backing data store to semantic search.
Federal Forecasts
  • Added the ability to search on a Federal Forecast's Procurement Identifier via Explore Search.
  • Added the ability to pursue a Federal Forecast to utilize in Capture - Pursuits & Pipelines.
  • Improved the usability of vertical scroll by Stage and horizontal scroll across.
  • Added Estimated and Probable Value Sum by Stage.