




System Improvements
AI Insights
Model Improvements:
  • AI Insights will now work with the user to select the right tool when the user's query is ambiguous.
  • AI Insights has been trained to avoid providing (in many cases) outdated information. FCOs and FGOs returned from search should be only for those due in the future. For some queries this may limit results.
Prompt Improvements:
  • Research Federal Vendors
    : Use this function to research profiles on entities registered to win Federal Contract Awards, Federal Grant Awards, and Federal Contract IDVs
  • Research Federal Contract IDVs
    : For example, finding specific Federal Contract IDVs (e.g., "Find me the GSA Schedule for Deloitte").
  • Research Federal Grant Awards
    : Use this function to find specific Federal Grant Awards (e.g., "Find me a cooperative agreement awarded to Chemonics by USAID for technical assistance.")
  • Latest Government Contracting News
    : Use this to analyze government contracting news for recent developments or general analysis (e.g., "What are the latest updates on the Department of Defense's CMMC program?").
  • Research Government Files
    : Use this function to research files (also known as attachments or documents) associated with either Federal Contract Opportunities, Federal Grant Opportunities, and Federal Contract IDVs (e.g., "Find me all Requests For Proposals from Department of Justice that are focused on CRM implementation services.").
  • Draft Proposal for Federal Contract Opportunity
    : Write the draft of a proposal that meets the requirements specified in the description of the opportunity or its files. This feature is an early capability preview and should not be used to create an actual proposal.
  • Find Ceiling Value for a Federal Contract Opportunity
    : Attempt to estimate the award value of a Federal Contract Opportunity. This feature is an early capability preview and should not be used to inform any business decision.
Capture - Pipelines
  • Launched a visual refresh of the Pipelines Index & Detail page + Kanban board that improves usability and performance.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that caused Likely Bidders on an FCO to not match Likely Bidders on the FCO's Pursuit.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Government Files to fail to load in PDF viewer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Personas table header to not stick to the top.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the paginator to not load the next page of results on Tasks, Saved Searches, Pursuits.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Intelligent Summaries to not display consistently.